QSL info
Even in this digital age I still love receiving paper QSL-cards via BUREAU or DIRECT and are greatly appreciated. Received QSL-cards are always answered! For me, paper QSL-cards are kind of a cool thing, a genuine paper QSL-card can be considered as a collector item. Remember: The QSO was short, QSL cards are forever!
This is by far my preferred QSL-method. Just bring your QSL-card to your local radio amateur club where they are packaged and shipped to the appropriate countries. Time to receive cards may be months longer via bureau but it is a great free service.

Once your QSL-card is received, my QSL-card will be sent. Received QSL-cards are always answered! There’s absolutely no need for any money or stamps, just add a self-addressed envelope. I see it as a sign of friendship between two HAM and I am more than happy to reply. For DIRECT postal address, contact me.
eQSL: Don’t bother, I’m NOT using eQSL.
SWL reporting are appreciated!